Assisting Hands Home Health Care in Niles, IL

Trusted Caregivers Providing Seniors and Families
with Exceptional In-Home Care.

Our Office Serves: Harwood Heights, IL | Park Ridge, IL | Niles, IL | Norridge, IL | Chicago, IL

Elderly Home Care in Niles, IL

Call: (224) 444-6422 to schedule a free, in-home assessment.

As family members begin to age, they gradually need more assistance to get through their day-to-day lives. From dusting and vacuuming to doing laundry and preparing meals, tasks that involve a lot of standing and moving around become difficult. This means that able-bodied family members, like children, often find themselves spending 10, 20, or even more hours providing essential care.

At Assisting Hands Home Care, we offer in-home elderly care services in Niles, IL to help your elderly relatives. Our caregivers are trained, bonded, and insured to provide a variety of elderly care services, and will help give you and your loved one greater peace of mind.

  • 100% Satisfaction Guarantee
  • Experts in 24-Hour and Live-In Care
  • No Long-Term Contracts
  • Care Managers Available 24/7
  • High Caliber Caregivers
  • Trusted by the Medical Community

Elderly Care Niles, IL

Perhaps the most important aspect of our elderly care services is the fact that your loved one will receive them in the comfort of their own home. This maintains a certain level of independence and familiarity that can make a world of difference to aging adults (this is particularly helpful for those struggling with memory loss). It also eliminates the need to move their belongings to an assisted living community.

At Assisting Hands Home Care, we begin our services by sitting down with you and your family members to determine what kind of care is needed. Our home care plans are fully customizable and can even be altered after we begin our services if additional needs arise. Once required tasks are established, we will send one of our professionals to your loved one’s home to assess its safety.

Elder Care – Niles, IL

Our caregiver are trained in a number of elderly care services, including the following

  • Alzheimer’s and dementia care
  • Senior home care (to help address day-to-day tasks)
  • Non-medical home health care
  • Fall prevention
  • 24-hour home care and live-in care
  • Respite care
  • Personal emergency response systems
  • Other forms of personal assistance

Elderly Care Services

Our personnel is trained, bonded, and insured to provide a wealth of caregiving services. On top of this, our caregivers are diverse. We can assign a male or female caregiver based on your preferences and many of them are even bilingual. We also allow you to switch caregivers if you prefer.

At the end of the day, we do everything in our power to ensure your family member receives the care and assistance they need from our qualified caregivers. We are happy to sit down with you and discuss the needs of your loved one. We also accept long term care insurance to help cover the cost of care.

Free Consultation

For more information or to request a free consultation regarding our elderly care services, contact Assisting Hands Home Care at (224) 444-6422.

Call (224) 444-6422 for your free in-home consultation

Home Care Services in Niles, IL


We don’t provide just any caregiver but send someone who is engaged, compassionate, and caring. Your loved one’s comfort, safety, and wellbeing are our top priorities.

Complimentary Assessment for Your Elderly Care Needs

Assisting Hands logo

Our caregivers are bonded, insured, and carefully screened to ensure we provide the best elder care services in the Niles, IL area.

We will develop a customized care plan that fits your loved one’s needs to ensure they receive the best care.

For more information on our outstanding elderly care services in Niles, IL, call our Care Coordinators at (224) 444-6422 to make an appointment. We’ll work with you to help your loved one live at home as long as possible.

Contact Us for Your Free In-Home Consultation


Our Office Serves: Harwood Heights, IL | Park Ridge, IL | Niles, IL | Norridge, IL | Chicago, IL

More Elder Care Services

senior care
  • Elder Care Services in Norridge, IL
  • Elderly Home Care in Harwood Heights, IL